Thursday, September 21, 2017

Summary of research proposal: Using A.I robotics in Healthcare

In a recent Bloomberg magazine news article "Life, Or Something Like It", the article talked about how Mark Sagar, who “mastered the art of creating super-lifelike faces” is now working to build people from the inside out. He is creating a virtual baby that thinks and acts like a human baby. This article, as well as a short clip on a robotic seal in healthcare for elderly in Japan, made me want to learn more about the use of AI or robotics in healthcare systems, especially as care and companionship for the elderly. Many leading companies are exploring AI capabilities by using them to detect cancer, remote surgery, telemedicine, etc.
Japan is one of the countries actively exploring this field to tackle the aging population. They have created a robotic seal, a bear carebot, and other robotic nurse, and companionships for the elderly. I wanted to research more in depth on how countries all over the world incorporate AI into their healthcare system, as well as the benefits and challenges with information security or privacy, while using the method of the alternative healthcare. I will mainly focus on Japan, United States, but I will also look into how some of the other high-tech countries like South Korea, Singapore deal with medical, social needs. But there’s still some ethical concerns, so I would like to research the pros and cons of having A.I robotic caretaker and how it could actually help out the elders.

1 comment:

  1. As I commented before on D2L, I really like this topic. I was hoping you would stay on this focus and not move to security of AI. Comparing robotics in two countries is sufficient, and the ethical issues are certainly worth exploring.
