Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Survey questions and answers

Survey questions:
  • What do you think about having robotic companion for the elderly or disabled people?
  • Would you in the future,  want to have a robotic companion?
Follow-up questions:
  • What about the moral /ethical issue that we are pushing robotic companions to take over our responsibility as humans?
  • Would you still rather a robotic companion versus a real life animal pet?

FOR it:
  • “When I am old and disabled, I would prefer to have a robot to take care of me instead of a human being as humans would lose patience. They could also get annoyed  by the condition, environment, or even by the weather. Their mood could easily be changed, and could be frustrated at the elderly which leads them to bully the elderly.”
  • “It’s unique. There’s also less work to take care of, compared to an actual pet companion.”
  • “If it keeps the elderly company or makes them happy, it’s fine. As long as the old people are getting benefits from it, it’s fine.”
  • “It’s kind of immoral, because I rather have somebody there instead of an object with no emotions.”
  • “I would much rather a dog over a robot, because they have emotions.”
Mixed feelings:
  • “Not the best choice, but I will take it if that’s the only choice I have.”
  • “Some people may be allergic to animals, so it may be best for them to have a robotic companion.”
  • “I prefer a real animal as a pet, but I would prefer a robot as my caretaker.”
  • “I think humanity's dependence on robots will make society as a whole dumber, but they might make great companions for old people and the disabled.”
  • “At some point, robots would become smart enough that we might have to question ‘robo-rights’ , but a robot caretaker might be better because it’s less likely to make mistakes.”
  • “Great assistant and modern technology like Siri, Cortana, Alexa,etc, can be even more helpful when people need to talk. But they can never be a perfect substitute for human beings when elderly or disabled people need someone who have emotions, and someone who really cares for them.”

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